Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I miss the days when blogging was the prominent thing to do amongst my friends. I remember the first year I entered college, xanga was on everyone's daily to-do list. Whether it was recording the day's happenings, reflections, tragedies, comedies, anything-- at least one friend would update on something!

I'm determined to bring it back, somehow. lol. Okay, maybe not so much. I haven't publicly chronicled my journey in this foreign land. Is it about time that I do?

Probably. I've already had way too many fob moments. I've been forgetting words, forming incorrect sentences, and looking up the dictionary for words I inherently know the meaning to...

If I consistently blog, it'll help me maintain proper English and put my thoughts in writing. Which brings me back to my original thought. lol. I wish more people blogged because I would feel more connected to my friends and keep me inspired to write my own thoughts on this little spec.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

*like* :)