Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Why was I created?

As I was brushing my teeth this morning, I was thinking about all the things I needed to get done at work. While having a friendly new boss is refreshing, much responsibility has been suddenly passed down to me since my former boss was a scape goat for most of the facility management of the bank. And then I had to recheck myself, I'm not at work yet. And I could hear a soft voice in my head say, "Worship me." I took a deep breath and thought about God. When He wants me to worship Him, what does that mean?

Some of my friends are enjoying the honeymoon phase of a relationship and the bulk of my other friends are agonizing over being single. I'm somewhere in the middle. Lately, I've noticed a theme spoken in my life; the sin of idolatry. Idolatry is simply anything valued above God. To be completely honest, the infatuation of being in a relationship has plagued my mind the most. I've been single for a good 3 years after having a relationship that was dishonoring God. I don't want to make the same mistake twice. I'm thankful for Christ and am trying to earnestly seeking after Him, but I'm not completely content. I constantly struggle with God concerning the issue of being single. I know that this season of being single is wholly devoted to Him and I have no qualms about it. I just often wonder if I have the future gift of singleness and if so, am I ready to take up the challenge of being potentially single for the rest of my life?

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Some days...I wake up full of joy for the day to come. Some days...I wake up apathetic for work. Some days...I wake up only wanting to go back to sleep. Some days...I wake up sad about my life circumstances. Some days...I just don't want to live.