Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Why was I created?

As I was brushing my teeth this morning, I was thinking about all the things I needed to get done at work. While having a friendly new boss is refreshing, much responsibility has been suddenly passed down to me since my former boss was a scape goat for most of the facility management of the bank. And then I had to recheck myself, I'm not at work yet. And I could hear a soft voice in my head say, "Worship me." I took a deep breath and thought about God. When He wants me to worship Him, what does that mean?

Some of my friends are enjoying the honeymoon phase of a relationship and the bulk of my other friends are agonizing over being single. I'm somewhere in the middle. Lately, I've noticed a theme spoken in my life; the sin of idolatry. Idolatry is simply anything valued above God. To be completely honest, the infatuation of being in a relationship has plagued my mind the most. I've been single for a good 3 years after having a relationship that was dishonoring God. I don't want to make the same mistake twice. I'm thankful for Christ and am trying to earnestly seeking after Him, but I'm not completely content. I constantly struggle with God concerning the issue of being single. I know that this season of being single is wholly devoted to Him and I have no qualms about it. I just often wonder if I have the future gift of singleness and if so, am I ready to take up the challenge of being potentially single for the rest of my life?

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