Thursday, November 13, 2003


I'm running out of gas. I pulled a sort of all nighter. I took a few naps here and there. But yes, indeedy i feel like i've been productive and very studious. Yes, yes. I believed I worked my butt off. Two tests back to back?! Curse of the Devil. Luxury of taking naps?! God Send.

Oh geez, i think there's something wrong with my body. I have this aching feeling in my heart, physically not "emotionally" =P (gee that was corny)

Anyway, yeah i ate lunch with Zoe, Peter, and Andrew today. I had a cup of ice tea, then i needed to eat because it felt like i haven't eaten in decades. So i get a salad. After a few bites, my aching got worse. =( So now, after this entry, i'm going to go pray and know that God is going to comfort me.

If i seem kind of offstandish today....wait, i'm offstandish everyday. So nevermind.

But seriously? I found out the worst news that I could have possibly imagined yesterday night. Forgive me if I don't seem friendly or loving. I just need to sort things out with God.

the end.

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