Sunday, April 27, 2008


It's odd. A lot of miscommunication happens between me and other parties. I think I've engaged in about a dozen of cases where there was miscommunication between myself and friends, co-workers, siblings and/or a family member, a customer service rep, and just random people I run into day-to-day.

Does this happen to you? There's a break-down in communication and there's an awkward period of time where you wonder if you were able to transmit/receive the message accurately. Happens to me all the time. And I pride myself in being a good listener, for crying out loud.


So, I'm back in my mode again. Asking God: Where's my man? haha. Would it be best to be with someone completely unlike me and follow the classic line of "opposites attract"? I usually think that's best because I'm already kind of reserved. I need someone to get me out of my shell. I also think about where am I going to find this guy? I think I'm pretty settled down. And there aren't any guys that have stricken me down with googly-eyed, heart-pumping, mumbling symptoms. Where is he? But then I catch myself in my daydreaming and wonder, why don't I ask God?

Because I want what I want which isn't necessarily what I need. And only God knows what I need. Unfortunately, what God knows isn't what I know. But it must be better! It has to be, it has to be!

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