Thursday, July 08, 2004

Oh my goodness. Could this day get worse? Hopefully not, it's nearly 10. My brother's car got scratched, not like a "oops i accidently keyed your car cause i was swinging my keychain about" kind of scratch, but "a full work of art scratch until i key an entire 2 inches on your car until i can see the engine" kind of scratch.

I am so upset with myself. My brother is going to be pissed off. Who would do such a thing? It's not like i openly offended anyone. It's a nice car too. ugh. A 2001 Honda Accord Coup scratched because i went to school. [sigh]

AND my younger brother is being a total jackass. I don't know. I don't know if he's going through this hormonal teenage phase, but it's really pissing me off. He's like going through a menstrual cycle that i was not aware that men had.

Other than that. Yeah, that sums up how i feel right about now.

frustrated, angered, self-pity, lonely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! Miss you too ^.^!
I'm sorry about the car, but I'm sure your brother would understand.