Wednesday, January 29, 2003

so yeah, I have worn glasses for practically all my life. So i have a habitual habit of putting on my glasses. And i miss that. haha.

After I came home from school, I decided to wash my face. Afterwards, when i put on my glasses, everything is blurry! I don't understand!! Then, I realized it. I don't need my glasses because I have my contacts on!! =)

Christ for the Nations. I'm interested in going to the institute now. *pondering* Should I go to Christ for the Nations? If I even consider it, will my parents reject my suggestion? hmm...


I'm having fun, you guys. For the first time in years, I'm enjoying school for what it is worth. I guess i feel like i've taken advantage of school for the last three years.

hehe. HECK NAW. I'm ecstatic, yo. It's more along the lines of thinking I'm never gonna be in high school EVER so I'm having fun. =) YA-HOOOOOO.

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