I crawled around the sewer, looking for a single soul. It was damp as my paws touched the ice cold sewage. I heard a faint noise to my right. As I approached the inner walls of the plumbing system, I heard what sounded like a market. A mass of people were selling my friends to butchers and market men.
My dream. I was a cat. I felt abandoned and alone because all the other animals had been taken. But at the same time, I was free from being eaten. But I was a lonely free cat.
The strangest thing. Ok I woke up this morning. This first thing i thought about was the fact that my face hurt when touched. It felt like a sharp blade was stuck in my skin. I looked in the mirror. There's a long scratch on the right side of my face. Throughout the day, I wondered how did I actually get the scar. I even began to think the dream may have something to do with it. =) but that's just silly...isn't it? I remember getting scratched when all of us were running down the walkways. Alicia was in my dream again.
Man oh man. I have such strange dreams. Half the time they don't make any sense. Then other times they freak me out so much with fear and anxiety. I wish I had happy dreams. Dreams of rainbows or waterfalls or the waterside or the forest or the bahamas. hehe. Anyway, I should hit the sack soon.
Listening to Josh Groban. The coolest thing. Ding is so awesome. She is my mom's boss. When she heard that I liked Mr. Groban, she took into consideration of giving me her own. She had received one copy of his cd as a Xmas gift when she already had one. So she graciously gave it to me as a gift. Bless her heart. That's just so sweet.
tear* I read skanadian's journal. tear* Aww makes me want to know what it's like to care for someone that much. Like my face lights up when that one guy calls me up. Or when he strolls down the hall with welcoming arms. Or when he walks into the room with his great big smile. Or when he embraces me. And then there's that great feeling of missing him. I would miss him so much that seeing him the next time we meet would make up for that time lost, missing each other. hehe. Oh my dreamy little mind.
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