Tuesday, May 13, 2003

High school termination countdown: 8 days
I was reading through my archives...and I remembered this post and it was notable post so I'm going to post it up again. How's that for repetition?

the great thing about Stefenee is that she is able to be teachable. She takes criticism into her own hands and can acknowledge that she has done wrong.

I learn that I'm not ready to be teachable. I don't take criticism lightly. sigh. That deeply rooted pride...bugger. One thing that women are to be...is teachable. the ability to understand and receive the fact that they've done wrong and learn from their mistakes. Though it is hard, it's required by us from God, well, not like God expects us to be teachable right when we come of our mother's womb. It takes a lot of pain and time to understand humility at its best. Philippians 2:14 (amp)
"Do all things without grumbling and faultfinding and complaining [against God] and questioning and doubting [among yourselves].

(i'm such a dork....i'm reposting what i've already posted? haha)

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