Tuesday, May 06, 2003

High school drama termination countdown: 13 days
I read annie's blog. She updated! woot woot. anyway, she was really honest in how she looked at blogging/journaling/whatever you call this online. People censor what they have to say. They choose not to be open about who they are. It really surprised me, okay, I was really really elated. I got taken back that people at my school can be honest with themselves. Not to be critical, but truthful, the kids at my school are so smothered with schoolwork that it disguises their faces. I have never really encountered such transparency as Annie has shown me. Sure, i am intimidated by her, but I admire her for her individuality and honesty.
By and by, I went by the registrar's office. They had the list of the Class of '03 Cum Laude and Magna Cum Laude. The people who I thought weren't really active, actually, are, or they wouldn't be in 10%, or even 5%. I kinda regret wasting my first two years with mistake after mistake of not studying for tests or keeping up with my grades. But then i think, after all of this is dead and done, High School will only be a chapter of Grace's menagerie. Right when I'm living on my own, raising kids on my own, and doing stuff on my own, that's when it all counts. For now, I'm just being a steward of my time and money and stuff. Oh man, "my own" I've been focusing a lot about me. Dang it. Right when I'm living with God, raising kids with God, and doing stuff with God... that's when it all counts....That sounds better.

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