Wednesday, May 21, 2003

High school termination countdown: 2 freaking days
I just finished talking to one of my friends. I've known her since I came to Texas. And for a time, I felt like she was my best friend. She talked to me when nobody else did. She befriended me. Over these past 6 years, we've grown apart due to distance. I still invited her to my graduation because I love and appreciate her. But, for some, reason, I get a weird vibe from her. She kept her distance and told me she couldn't come, but congratulated me anyway. After all these years, I wish someone could tell me why we're not close friends anymore. If I haven't seen someone I love for a long period of time, I would be honored if they just invited me to go to a special event of theirs. I dunno. It's a weird feeling, this feeling inside of me.

I watched Dumbo again yesterday. Oh, the memories. He is just absolutely darlin'. I love that movie. Lion King will always be number 1 in my heart. But Dumbo has great memories behind it. For instance, two or three years ago, i went to Andy's graduation. A few of his friends were great guitar players and worship leaders. One of which was a guy, who was pretty cute. Andy told me that he knew how to play one of the songs from Dumbo. And i wanted to hear it so bad. But he didn't. Well not at least until the last night that we were there. You know that scene where Jumbo (dumbo's mom) was locked up and dumbo came to see her and she picked him up and swinged him by her trunk, the song is so sweet. Yeah thats the song. I'm a dork, but I started to cry when i was watching it. It's such a silly thing to do, but I just did. Oh and the guy looked cute while he was playing the song....hehe.

Anyway! I don't know why I cried. Maybe it was the sentimental idea of love. Maybe I just need to cry.

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