Friday, January 20, 2006

An epiphany if you will.

I had a great urge to swim today. So i got dressed and headed towards the gym. It was kind of a reminiscent feeling on my way to the SLC. I felt like I haven't gone in ages but at the same time, it seemed like just days when i first came to the gym freshman year. I got into the pool. Started off with breaststroke. After a lap, i decided to start my freestroke laps. For a typical day at the pool, i usually like to stay in the pool until i'm completely exhausted or for at least 45 minutes worth of laps. I was energized and ecstatic about being in the water once again. It has been ages since I've swam. I swim for 15 minutes and have already gone countless laps without stopping. I thought, this is great, after all this time, i can keep up my endurance. At this rate, I'll be in good shape before I graduate. I'll become my ideal image of me if i continue to work hard. I'll keep up my grades. I'll get a job. Things will be great! Why didn't I think about this earlier?

And as soon as i started looking back. I started recalling what has happened this last year. The instant i relived my past mistakes, I started feeling sluggish. There was a reason why i had stayed away from the pool for so long. It triggered something deep inside me. I was beginning to feel slow and tired.

Why do i let my past and my mistakes get me down so much? So far, i've been depressed but not to the point where i wasn't hopeful about my future. It's all a matter of my state of mind. If i know that i can succeed, then it's going to happen. I just need to believe it in my heart. If I know that life will be better than going from day to day wondering if there's something better out there, then i'm going to hope and dream for a better way of life.

I need to shoot for the moon. Even if i fall, i'll land among the stars.

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