Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Grace, a 21 year old.

who would'a thought?

This year i want to whole heartedly promise myself and others to be a better person in keeping my resolutions.
1. tell one of my secrets to at least one person.
2. a random act of kindness given to others as occasionally as possible.
3. live with integrity.
4. read the word, pray, and worship daily.
5. be less critical.
6. love unconditionally.
7. honor my parents.

These are very generalized. Yes, i know. I don't want to promise something that i don't intend to keep. God, help me with the things that i struggle with. Teach me in your ways of goodness. May this year bear fruit so that it may glorify you.

i kept my resolutions to the best of my ability. I'd say I did pretty well. I've been listening to Your Best Life Now: 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential by Pastor Joel Osteen. I recommend it to anyone. I often don't like Christian books that are bestsellers because they've fallen prey to retail gimmicks. But Joel Osteen does have some really really encouraging words. Perhaps the only encouraging words i've heard as of late. He said that even though it doesn't feel like God is there, he really is. In fact, when you feel God the least, that's when God's working in you the most.

I just hope that though this past year seemed like a waste, something or someone has benefitted from my shortcomings and inadequacies in one way or another.

For this upcoming year, i think i should devote myself to the theme of responsibility. I'm going to own up to my age and realize that now that i'm officially an adult, i'll take responsibility for my obligations, my actions, my words, my duties. Also, be aware of my responsibilities toward my parents, my brothers, my friends, etc.

Aja Aja Fighting~~! I think i should also boycott boys this year. WHat do you think?

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