Last Wednesday, my English teacher wanted the entire class to discuss the commonly used allusions in poems. She handed us a handout that had a list of allusions from the Bible and of Greek mythology. Well, i glanced at it. I thought, "yeah, I guess i know some of the old testament. But mainly more of the Gospels." So I didn't really bother with it. I just spaced out for quite awhile. Until Divya asked me if i wanted to discuss some of it together. I was like, ok.
She asked me about each and every single one of the old testament. I started to tell her about Cain and Abel, Noah and the flood, Abraham and Sarah, Abraham and Isaac, Moses and Egypt....and the list goes on. Basically, I told her as much of the Old testament as I could. I was really surprised that I knew so much. At the same time, I realized I'm not capable of teaching about the Bible. I'm not good at explaining things very well. I start to mumble and stutter. I know the stuff. Just can't verbally translate it. Once and awhile I would look around the class to see if anyone was doing the same: explaining the Bible. Alicia had a group listening to her and so did Annie. It was kinda cool. They both looked so excited about sharing God. For the most part, I was excited. Cause while i was talking to her, I thought "this is a great way to witness to someone, telling them about God through the Bible" and I got all happy. But then I was afraid I would butcher the details if I wasn't cool and aloof about it. *shrugs* I hope I got to her in some way.
I also had a hard time explaining to Divya how I knew so much about it and trying not to use "spiritual terms" or "Christianese". As well as the fact that I had to go into a lot of detail because she doesn't know anything about the Bible. =/ it was fun, nonetheless.
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