Sunday, March 24, 2013


It only just recently struck me that I'm 28 years old. It happened when I met up P and J a few days ago. They came to Taipei for vacation and it was so amazing to see them here. I get super excited when I have friends come visit me, and there have been quite a few who have purposely chosen to meet me which really warms my heart. But anyway, we met up to go to eat lunch, walk through the National Palace Museum, got milk tea, walked around to find a parlor, picked up a 12 boxes of pineapple cakes, and ate spicy hot pot. We had good conversations all around, mainly to catch up and share stories of what our lives have been about these last few years. Now that I've had to time to slow down and recollect our past, I can't believe it's been nearly 10 years since we've known each other, that's when my age had finally hit me. Not in a bad way, but a wow, time surely has passed kind of way. We've all grown up and moved on with our lives in our separate directions. We were so young and naive back in college, and now, probably still young and naive, but at least, prepared to face the world as it comes knowing that there's always room to grow and learn.

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