Sunday, June 25, 2006

bridget jones's diary.

I just did the unthinkable. I watched the same movie twice in one night, back-to-back. I'm insane. I'm also a procrastinator. I have a project due on tuesday. It's worth nearly a third of my grade. Aye.

I can't get over it. I want a man like that. He is the nice guy that didn't finish last. He is the ambitious guy that knows what he wants out of life. He is the romantic guy that is willing to be vulnerable to the woman he loves. --sigh--

Two quotes that I absolutely love by Colin Firth:
"I like you -- i like you, just as you are."

"In vain have I struggled, it will not do. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you."

I wonder how hard it really is to find a guy once college is over. One of my friends say that the best time to find a mate is in college. Once you hit the real world, things just get harder. Great. It's hard enough as it is living as a college student. Life after couldn't be much worse, or could it?

I'll daydream some more and i'll get back to you. As of now, I'm single [not that i'm proud of it nor am i telling the world. simply that i'm willing to be content] and dreaming of my dream guy.

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