Thursday, April 28, 2005

new look.

Of course, i decided to change my template. Now i reverted back to using blogger's templates. It's nice looking. professional. i like it. Maybe it'll last a little longer...probably not.

I'm listening to john mayer's old cd. It's odd how music can bring back so many old memories. i've been sitting here in my room for the last 3 hours listening to the cd on repeat, remembering my high school days. Nostalgia. how bittersweet it is.

Next week is dead week. My first final is on thursday. My last on monday. can't wait until it is all over. I've been homesick lately. I really want to go home and hug my parents, my brothers, and my dog. hehe. Summer will be uber busy. I'll be taking classes like mad at hcc.

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