Saturday, December 07, 2002

I woke up today with a massive headache. blah.

Last night, Michael and I were watching television on his bed. And like I was so lazy that i decided to just sleep in his bed with him. His bed is massive so it fits both of us... hehe. Anyway, I had such a weird dream. Very bizarre, as all my dreams are. bizarre and frightening...

[background information: Right now, I'm working with a total of 5 other people on a school project. I think they're in the dream. How do I know that? Well, we were working on the project in the dream. And, in China, we took the subway EVERYWHERE we went. And a lot of us would minister to them on the train.]

Four of us were agents of the US government. We entered a building with great amount of chairs were there. The chairs were soaked. They were soaked with urine. [shudders vehemently]. We suspected the people who occupied the building peed on chairs as some kind of culture? AND get this, the entire time, I was thinking, "How do they go number 2?"...

We ran down the hall of the drafty building towards a room. The room had a table with a massive pile of what seemed like sugar. However, it wasn't. It was diamonds. Diamonds the size of sugar. [LOL] Anyway, we frantically put the diamonds in bags that magically appeared into our hands and we ran out of the building as if the true criminals were running after us. Right when we reached our car, the building exploded.

Suddenly we were in school, working on our project.

[Part II will come shortly]

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