Friday, November 15, 2002

Today's fellowship was neato. A speaker named Grace (very rad name indeed) from FBCC came to our school to talk to us early in the morning. It was funny. She graduated from Trinity. I was planning on applying there, but I didn't *shrugs*...Anyway...umm

So, she talked about Ten Things I Hate About You...that movie with that one bad actress who plays the older sister and with boys that look like girls. THere was this scene where a guy was introducing the new guy to the "cliques" at school. She says how it applies to Clements so much, even within the Christians. There's the Preppy Christians, the Asian Christians (ie Ghetto-fied Asian Christians), Nerdy Christians...and so on. We stay in little safety circle. We stay in routine of life and limit ourselves to any exploration. In school, cliques are what are "cool". Acceptance at high school is a big thing. I don't know. I never wanted to fit in really. I think i still have the idea that i don't need friends, but i do. I just need to work with God a little bit more. I definitely feel like I am one of a kind. I'm sure there are people who think I'm cold or like distant..but man, if i knew who, i would prove them wrong. Prove them wrong by letting them spend a day with me. They'd want to spend eternity with me. Hehe. Hey, I am a very cool chick.

And she read a excerpt from one of Jim Cymbala's books, Fresh wind? fire? i don't know. Anyway, Jim sees a man isolated from the rest of the congregation in the back of the Sanctuary while he was speaking. Afterwards, as he approached the man, he smelled the most foul smell ever known to his nostrils. As he moved in closer, he realized the smell came from the man himself. The man had not taken a shower, God knows how long, and wore dirty rags that barely clothed him. The preacher reached towards his back pocket for his wallet. The man held his hand in front of him and said, "NO, you don't understand. I don't want your money. I want this Jesus Roberta keeps talking about". Then the man embraced the pastor. What seemed so foul before, had become the most fragrant smell to him by the grace of God. He asked for forgiveness of judging beforehand. *goosebumps* It relates to how lepors of the early days of Jesus ministry had been cast out because of their skin. And Jesus, out of his love for all, touched the man and he was healed. maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.......

It was definitely neat how she brought it all together. She did remind me of the power of my words and actions. Very refreshing.

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