Thursday, October 24, 2002

Avril Lavigne is a punk rock poser. But if you like sellouts who put up a front, you buy who you like.

Wow. Man, I still don't know how to take compliments. The compliments seem to go in one ear and out the other. I have trouble holding people accountable to their words because it is a struggle for me to trust people. Especially when it comes to complimenting me. I guess I have this set idea of who I am ever since I was a little girl, and it stuck. I can't get rid of it. The set idea of a fat chinese girl who'll never exceed her parents' expectations, who never had a boyfriend, and who never felt worth more than that of an ant.

But...I'm learning. People do have the tendency to say what they mean. I gotta start believing in that. Though the mouth can be destructive, it can also be uplifting. If you can't love yourself, how can you possibly love the world.

My Choir teacher says I have a beautiful voice after I sang for her in front of the class...

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