When you enter into the realm of nostalgia, there seems to be no return.
I've been reminiscing a lot lately. Not just about "the trip", but also, my days in California. Just the other night my bestest friend in the whole wide world (or so i thought when i was in 6th grade) had imed me, out of no where. It was nice to catch up on her life. Since then, I've been looking through childhood yearbooks, old honorary awards (from grade school i must add, I was very proud of those), and pictures. I miss California so. I remember still that night that I had heard we were moving. I was drenched in tears and at the same time, had such a rebellious heart. I remember totally refusing to leave. Anyway, looking at the pictures makes me curious as to how my old pals look now. I wonder if they still remember me...
July 27, 2002 a family friend of ours back in California got married. I don't know what his english name is. I just know what his parents nick-named him. heh. Anyway, I saw a picture of his (now) wife and him. They look wonderful together. My brother was able to attend the ceremony. He got the chance to talk to him and a bunch of my dad's friends and kids that are now in college. I remember there was this one guy. His name was Eddie. Me and Mike would go over to his house and play. He was a scrawny, lanky guy. My brother says he's all grown up and looking all handsome and stuff. sigh. I wonder where is he going to college...
On the last day in China, we had the priviledge of being able to cruise around ::city:: and have dinner at the same time. One of the girls of the team came up to me and said, "I never got the chance to tell you this, but I think you are beautiful." wow. My family and close friends always have said I was cute and stuff, but I always thought they said that to build up my "self-esteem". In my mind, I still thought I was ugly and hideous. But when a complete stranger that doesn't even know you says you're beautiful, I can't help but blush, my rosiecheeks show =)
I finally know what it means to be confident in Christ when it comes to my appearance. I no longer have to be caught in the world wondering if I should wear make-up or dress a certain way or have my hair a certain style or anything to alter the way I look, for the way, I'm comfortable, defines who I am, that's what makes me beautiful in the eyes of my Father. He loves me, for me. I don't need to care what man thinks of me because at the end of the day, God is who matters most to me.
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