I need to change the strings on my guitar...
I am so physically pooped...
Today would not be a good day to agitate me. I know yesterday I seemed pretty honkie dorie. I was. Yet, arrrggg...
I don't get mad very often. I wonder if just one time, I blew up and just let out my steam on someone, would their perspective of me change. hmm...
God, why am I in such pain? What are you trying to tell me? Please, reveal to me.
I need to figure out how to change the strings on my guitar.
The mind is so abstract and so opaque and so fickle and just darn weird. One minute I'm on cloud nine. The next minute I feel like I'm burning in hell. I think I've felt this before. aiyah...
My dad put a pile of clothes on my bed. Usually, I'd be happy to help out and do the dishes and laundry and stuff. Dude, I saw that pile today. I wanted to curse. But it's just a pile of clothes to be folded! PMS, man. It's a bitch.
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