you are listening to: Oceano - Josh Groban
Josh Groban's album Closer comes out November 11th! Woohoo! I've been anticipating his sophomore album for quite some time now.
Oh my, i love that man.
I went to eat lunch at Memorial today. I had a good time. Why? you ask...because the background music was Nsync's first album. It brought back memories of utter fanatic insanity. Oh, how I miss my adolescence. Listening to "I want you back" and "Tearin' up my heart" totally made my day. =)
Thursday, October 30, 2003
Monday, October 27, 2003
what can i offer to the table of Christ?
what can i do to to put a smile on His face?
what do i bring as a gift of gratefulness?
what do i do when i see the glory of God?
what can be done to show that i need Him?
what do i do to feel the embrace of a Father?
So many questions about how to approach and please God.
I find myself out of words. I can't help it. I'm speechless of how great my God can be to me. Words cannot describe just how big He is. I'm blinded by the light of his majestic glory. Truly, what can we say to describe just a glimpse of God's Glory? He doesn't only deserve our praises, he deserves everything...not just our spiritual "self". He deserves our work, our family, our friends, our everything as a burnt offering...
He deserves my work, my family, my friends, my everything. Let's bring a grateful heart to God and let's offer everything we got!
what can i do to to put a smile on His face?
what do i bring as a gift of gratefulness?
what do i do when i see the glory of God?
what can be done to show that i need Him?
what do i do to feel the embrace of a Father?
So many questions about how to approach and please God.
I find myself out of words. I can't help it. I'm speechless of how great my God can be to me. Words cannot describe just how big He is. I'm blinded by the light of his majestic glory. Truly, what can we say to describe just a glimpse of God's Glory? He doesn't only deserve our praises, he deserves everything...not just our spiritual "self". He deserves our work, our family, our friends, our everything as a burnt offering...
He deserves my work, my family, my friends, my everything. Let's bring a grateful heart to God and let's offer everything we got!
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Sunday, October 19, 2003
Aiyah. I'm tired. This weekend was full of events. I've never done so much within a three day span. I spent the whole weekend with the upperclassmen.
Thursday - Day with Apphia: movie partay at Jessie's (not really a party =P)
Friday - Hillsboro Outlets, Walmart, and Spaghetti dinner with Apphia, Alex, and Jessie
Saturday - AUSTIN!: Firebowl, Drag, and JASON MRAZ
Saturday was totally the highlight. I got to see everybody agaiN! We met up at Firebowl. I know I didn't get to talk to them as much as I wanted to, but i was too busy chowing down on my bowl of yum. Yeah, soo good too seee theem.
Oh and we also picked up Cherry from Jester! I thought I'd never see her again after that first week October, and yet, we meet again. It was fun walking down the drag. Even though the only thing i bought was UT shorts, i'm so a betrayer (is that even a word?) There was this tattoo and piercing shop on the drag. I was soo tempted to go in and get my eyebrow or cartilage pierced. =) but indeed, i will someday.
Dropped Cherry off at 5:30, and we were on our way to accomplish our main mission, to go to Jason Mraz/Johnny Lang concert. Somehow, we managed to pass our destination 3 times because we couldn't see it. But that's okay. The concert made up for it. We got into the mosh pit and waited maybe an hour and a half til the concert was underway. Jason Mraz was sooooo gooood. He convinced me to buy his cd, that's how good he was. I was scared that I wouldn't like him, oh but i doooo. 3 weeks ago, if you asked me who was Jason Mraz, I'd shrug and say "who cares?"...but now? oh boy, i may become a fanatic again. Somehow, he has a way of swooning women over. Maybe, it's his voice. Maybe, it's his talent. But boy oh boy, it's definitely for his booty dance. =)
I also found out what weed smells like. After Jason Mraz (sigh) was finished, there was an "intermission" as all the teenage girls left and the bong smoking crowd packed themselves in the crowd. So they were smoking as if it was like drinking water. When I looked up, I saw a cloud of smoke, not coming from the smoke machine on stage, but from the people around me. I looked over to Jessie and gave her the what-in-the-world-is-that-smell look...but i knew the answer already. It was quite hysterical. it's a "you should have been there" event.
Johnny Lang. I remember, that he was on the Disney Channel a few years back. Disney Channel had sponsored new hip, up and coming talents at Disney World. Which is ironic because yesterday night, he was playing at an arena full of people that were high or drunk. =? ::speechless::
We were talking on the way home that it was a good thing for us to get out of waco once in a while. It's nice to step out of the Baylor bubble and realize that things aren't always censored. And you're never sheltered from the things of the world.
Aiyah. I'm tired. This weekend was full of events. I've never done so much within a three day span. I spent the whole weekend with the upperclassmen.
Thursday - Day with Apphia: movie partay at Jessie's (not really a party =P)
Friday - Hillsboro Outlets, Walmart, and Spaghetti dinner with Apphia, Alex, and Jessie
Saturday - AUSTIN!: Firebowl, Drag, and JASON MRAZ
Saturday was totally the highlight. I got to see everybody agaiN! We met up at Firebowl. I know I didn't get to talk to them as much as I wanted to, but i was too busy chowing down on my bowl of yum. Yeah, soo good too seee theem.
Oh and we also picked up Cherry from Jester! I thought I'd never see her again after that first week October, and yet, we meet again. It was fun walking down the drag. Even though the only thing i bought was UT shorts, i'm so a betrayer (is that even a word?) There was this tattoo and piercing shop on the drag. I was soo tempted to go in and get my eyebrow or cartilage pierced. =) but indeed, i will someday.
Dropped Cherry off at 5:30, and we were on our way to accomplish our main mission, to go to Jason Mraz/Johnny Lang concert. Somehow, we managed to pass our destination 3 times because we couldn't see it. But that's okay. The concert made up for it. We got into the mosh pit and waited maybe an hour and a half til the concert was underway. Jason Mraz was sooooo gooood. He convinced me to buy his cd, that's how good he was. I was scared that I wouldn't like him, oh but i doooo. 3 weeks ago, if you asked me who was Jason Mraz, I'd shrug and say "who cares?"...but now? oh boy, i may become a fanatic again. Somehow, he has a way of swooning women over. Maybe, it's his voice. Maybe, it's his talent. But boy oh boy, it's definitely for his booty dance. =)
I also found out what weed smells like. After Jason Mraz (sigh) was finished, there was an "intermission" as all the teenage girls left and the bong smoking crowd packed themselves in the crowd. So they were smoking as if it was like drinking water. When I looked up, I saw a cloud of smoke, not coming from the smoke machine on stage, but from the people around me. I looked over to Jessie and gave her the what-in-the-world-is-that-smell look...but i knew the answer already. It was quite hysterical. it's a "you should have been there" event.
Johnny Lang. I remember, that he was on the Disney Channel a few years back. Disney Channel had sponsored new hip, up and coming talents at Disney World. Which is ironic because yesterday night, he was playing at an arena full of people that were high or drunk. =? ::speechless::
We were talking on the way home that it was a good thing for us to get out of waco once in a while. It's nice to step out of the Baylor bubble and realize that things aren't always censored. And you're never sheltered from the things of the world.
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
I don't like one-liners. It just proves that I don't have much to say. Okay but i also don't want to blog just for the sake of blogging. Things happen but usually, i like to read journals that are of substance. Some philosophical or spiritual message behind it. Of course, i don't offer much of that here. I just...
i dunno...
I'm freaking tired, i think. That's why my brain feels like mush. I got an exam tomorrow...I haven't started to study. Pray for my welfare.
i dunno...
I'm freaking tired, i think. That's why my brain feels like mush. I got an exam tomorrow...I haven't started to study. Pray for my welfare.
Monday, October 13, 2003
Sunday, October 12, 2003
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
so here's my two cents:
i got nothing.
I'm so boring!?! What the heck. I got nothing to say half the time. I got nothing to show people. All I got is God.
I'm not being chauvinistic about how spiritual I am, believe me. I've been through too much of nothing to be proud of half of the things i've done. But as I start to lay down the format of my life. To list the things that mattter to me the most, God seems to integrate himself in every aspect.
I truly am helpless without God.
"Father, this is my plea. Renew my being. Search within me that fire that once flamed brightly amidst the darkness. I have fleed from your presence. Please call me back, Holy Shepard. I was scared of your all-knowing power. I was scared that if you knew the deep recesses of my heart, there would be no way that you would have me as your daughter. But it says in your word that you have created my inmost being, you know my thoughts from afar, and you have unconditional love for me. What can I do, but praise you for who you are! Praise our heavenly Father for he desires all nations to come to his throne room! God, I just want you to know, that i need you. I am helpless without you. Overwhelm me with your power."
i got nothing.
I'm so boring!?! What the heck. I got nothing to say half the time. I got nothing to show people. All I got is God.
I'm not being chauvinistic about how spiritual I am, believe me. I've been through too much of nothing to be proud of half of the things i've done. But as I start to lay down the format of my life. To list the things that mattter to me the most, God seems to integrate himself in every aspect.
I truly am helpless without God.
"Father, this is my plea. Renew my being. Search within me that fire that once flamed brightly amidst the darkness. I have fleed from your presence. Please call me back, Holy Shepard. I was scared of your all-knowing power. I was scared that if you knew the deep recesses of my heart, there would be no way that you would have me as your daughter. But it says in your word that you have created my inmost being, you know my thoughts from afar, and you have unconditional love for me. What can I do, but praise you for who you are! Praise our heavenly Father for he desires all nations to come to his throne room! God, I just want you to know, that i need you. I am helpless without you. Overwhelm me with your power."
Saturday, October 04, 2003
I'm at the computer lab right now. I needed my dose of internet usage once more before i head to bed. Today was so packed. My fridays are so packed or it always seems like it.
I had a English paper due today. The entire grading process of the class is based on the papers that we turn in. I didn't do as well as i would have liked to on my first paper. Therefore, I spent hard hours working on this second paper. I really do hope for at least a high B. That's all I ask for.
Something happened after my 8 oclock class. I won't further discuss it. But I just wanted to vent a little about it. I'm tired of being so sensitive about how people treat me. I often feel like i'm being taken advantage of. As a result, I put up a front of who I am. I pretend that things are okay and that I'm a tough chick that has no problems. God has definitely revealed to me why he has made me sensitive. He wants me to be sensitive to his Spirit and really get into the nitty gritty of the majesty of God. ANd along with that, being sensitive to those around me so I can serve better with my heart on the line, being a little vulnerable than needed. My pride does get hurt though. See, there's the contradiction in me.
Aiyah, I shouldn't dwell on it too much. just brush it off, grace. just brush it off.
Urm, after class was done at 1, I head back to the dorms. Haena from Atlanta IMs me and invites me to her dorm. I'm like what the heck, i'm wasting time anyway. I might as well kill time at her place. We hang out and chit chat for a bit. Then we bombard Eva and her privacy and hang with her. We started to watch "Hero" starring Jet Li. Didn't really finish it, but that's okay. Afterwards, we went to Chilli's too for dinner, then to the sub for AFC meeting. AFC was cool. Phara (sp?), intervarsity staff member, came to talk to us about community. I was really encouraged about what she said. She gave an example through Acts 2:42-47 and had some great stories to tell. I liked how she included the analogy of her sister. She said something along the lines of how she loved to talk to people about her younger sister. Her younger sister was cool, hip, and just so trendy. As well as having a passion for God. There was this one instance where her sister was going to visit her at work and Phara would go around to the staff and just let everyone know that her sister was coming and how great she was and how she was this and that.
Wouldn't it be great if we did the same with Jesus. What Jesus did cannot compare to any human behavior. Then why are we so hesitant to share about Him? If Jesus was and is such a great influence in our lives as a Christian, then why don't we talk about Him to everyone?
...Just a thought to consider. I really wanted to go up to Phara and be like "wassup homegirl, you did a bang up job on speaking to us today, yo" but i didn't. Too shy... But next time, I will fo sho.
We had a great time of worship. Or at least i did. I love singing. And singing to God is even better. I was really able to focus on Him for a long time now. Praise God! =) After the meeting, a BIG group of us went "putt-putting" as Jessie refers to it (if you were there, I was giggling about it...if you heard me) urm, putt-putting was fun. I played with Kristina. I'm so glad I played putt putt with her. She's just such a joy to be around and she makes me happy. Besides, having to wait on people could have reallly tested my patience.
AFTER putt-putting (hehe), we went to Aaron's for food and movie. He has a super nouuice place. We watched Office Space. I've seen that movie so many times. And yet, I still laugh at the same parts. Yeah, some of the stuff is just really inappropriate. But yeah. not the greatest movie to go to sleep after....well at least for me...
So now, I'm here. In the lab. I hope Julia and Michael are having a good time in Austin! okie dokie
the end.
I'm at the computer lab right now. I needed my dose of internet usage once more before i head to bed. Today was so packed. My fridays are so packed or it always seems like it.
I had a English paper due today. The entire grading process of the class is based on the papers that we turn in. I didn't do as well as i would have liked to on my first paper. Therefore, I spent hard hours working on this second paper. I really do hope for at least a high B. That's all I ask for.
Something happened after my 8 oclock class. I won't further discuss it. But I just wanted to vent a little about it. I'm tired of being so sensitive about how people treat me. I often feel like i'm being taken advantage of. As a result, I put up a front of who I am. I pretend that things are okay and that I'm a tough chick that has no problems. God has definitely revealed to me why he has made me sensitive. He wants me to be sensitive to his Spirit and really get into the nitty gritty of the majesty of God. ANd along with that, being sensitive to those around me so I can serve better with my heart on the line, being a little vulnerable than needed. My pride does get hurt though. See, there's the contradiction in me.
Aiyah, I shouldn't dwell on it too much. just brush it off, grace. just brush it off.
Urm, after class was done at 1, I head back to the dorms. Haena from Atlanta IMs me and invites me to her dorm. I'm like what the heck, i'm wasting time anyway. I might as well kill time at her place. We hang out and chit chat for a bit. Then we bombard Eva and her privacy and hang with her. We started to watch "Hero" starring Jet Li. Didn't really finish it, but that's okay. Afterwards, we went to Chilli's too for dinner, then to the sub for AFC meeting. AFC was cool. Phara (sp?), intervarsity staff member, came to talk to us about community. I was really encouraged about what she said. She gave an example through Acts 2:42-47 and had some great stories to tell. I liked how she included the analogy of her sister. She said something along the lines of how she loved to talk to people about her younger sister. Her younger sister was cool, hip, and just so trendy. As well as having a passion for God. There was this one instance where her sister was going to visit her at work and Phara would go around to the staff and just let everyone know that her sister was coming and how great she was and how she was this and that.
Wouldn't it be great if we did the same with Jesus. What Jesus did cannot compare to any human behavior. Then why are we so hesitant to share about Him? If Jesus was and is such a great influence in our lives as a Christian, then why don't we talk about Him to everyone?
...Just a thought to consider. I really wanted to go up to Phara and be like "wassup homegirl, you did a bang up job on speaking to us today, yo" but i didn't. Too shy... But next time, I will fo sho.
We had a great time of worship. Or at least i did. I love singing. And singing to God is even better. I was really able to focus on Him for a long time now. Praise God! =) After the meeting, a BIG group of us went "putt-putting" as Jessie refers to it (if you were there, I was giggling about it...if you heard me) urm, putt-putting was fun. I played with Kristina. I'm so glad I played putt putt with her. She's just such a joy to be around and she makes me happy. Besides, having to wait on people could have reallly tested my patience.
AFTER putt-putting (hehe), we went to Aaron's for food and movie. He has a super nouuice place. We watched Office Space. I've seen that movie so many times. And yet, I still laugh at the same parts. Yeah, some of the stuff is just really inappropriate. But yeah. not the greatest movie to go to sleep after....well at least for me...
So now, I'm here. In the lab. I hope Julia and Michael are having a good time in Austin! okie dokie
the end.
Wednesday, October 01, 2003
There are two factors in keeping me awake during Chapel:
1. there is a very good speaker.
2. very loud music.
I will further elaborate on number 2. I ADORE music~! possibly beyond idolatry. But forgive me. I just can't help it. I love soft music, but i love loud, head pounding music even more. Music that you can sway to, music you can get buck-wild to. Music to sooth you to sleep, music to wake the daylights out of you. So yeah, I've been having hourly naps in Chapel for the last couple of weeks. Those naps were good. But today~! yay! music, funk music today. I love it! i love it, i love it!
Salvador came to Chapel today. i'm still so excited about it! I love latin based music. I really do. I think i'm going to get their cd one of these days and jam' on it. I was in Cozumel over the summer. While I was on the beach, they were blasting Salsa music and it was soo fun! i was having a ball just hangin on the beach and getting my groove on. hehe. fo realz. Oh, so fuuuunnnny and cute. That bass player was like having his own little party for Jesus while playing the bass. He was soo cute. He was dancing and shaking his bon bon like no other.
Yesterday! we went to Hillsong! woot woot! i had a lot of fun. it was buck-wild for Jesus. The theme was Hope. I dunno, I enjoyed it for the most part. But there's something wrong, i think.
I use to be so drenched in the power of God when reallly engaging into worship. And, i've lost vision of what worship reallly is, you know? I really wanna rediscover God like discovering him for the first time. But, on a more superficial level, I loved the music. I love Hillsong a lot. At the end, they had a medley of all their songs, and i was having a great time singing the songs that i actually knew. For some reason, singing songs that have history behind them causes me to engage into God just a wee bit more. Like somehow, knowing the words to a song allows you to recognize who God is. Is that true? Does it help worship be more meaningful? I always thought if i just read the words of a song I didn't know, worship will be the same as if it was a song that i've known from birth. I dunno. Now i'm just babbling. I have that tendency.
Coming to college has made me realize that i really do like to talk. Just not with big groups. I like to babble with people, one on one. super weird. okie dokie...i had more to say...but i'll probably say it later.
the end.
1. there is a very good speaker.
2. very loud music.
I will further elaborate on number 2. I ADORE music~! possibly beyond idolatry. But forgive me. I just can't help it. I love soft music, but i love loud, head pounding music even more. Music that you can sway to, music you can get buck-wild to. Music to sooth you to sleep, music to wake the daylights out of you. So yeah, I've been having hourly naps in Chapel for the last couple of weeks. Those naps were good. But today~! yay! music, funk music today. I love it! i love it, i love it!
Salvador came to Chapel today. i'm still so excited about it! I love latin based music. I really do. I think i'm going to get their cd one of these days and jam' on it. I was in Cozumel over the summer. While I was on the beach, they were blasting Salsa music and it was soo fun! i was having a ball just hangin on the beach and getting my groove on. hehe. fo realz. Oh, so fuuuunnnny and cute. That bass player was like having his own little party for Jesus while playing the bass. He was soo cute. He was dancing and shaking his bon bon like no other.
Yesterday! we went to Hillsong! woot woot! i had a lot of fun. it was buck-wild for Jesus. The theme was Hope. I dunno, I enjoyed it for the most part. But there's something wrong, i think.
I use to be so drenched in the power of God when reallly engaging into worship. And, i've lost vision of what worship reallly is, you know? I really wanna rediscover God like discovering him for the first time. But, on a more superficial level, I loved the music. I love Hillsong a lot. At the end, they had a medley of all their songs, and i was having a great time singing the songs that i actually knew. For some reason, singing songs that have history behind them causes me to engage into God just a wee bit more. Like somehow, knowing the words to a song allows you to recognize who God is. Is that true? Does it help worship be more meaningful? I always thought if i just read the words of a song I didn't know, worship will be the same as if it was a song that i've known from birth. I dunno. Now i'm just babbling. I have that tendency.
Coming to college has made me realize that i really do like to talk. Just not with big groups. I like to babble with people, one on one. super weird. okie dokie...i had more to say...but i'll probably say it later.
the end.
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