Tuesday, April 30, 2002

I went to do my homework at like 4:30 this afternoon. I fell asleep at 5:00. Woke up at 7:30. That's how tired I am. I haven't getting enough beauty sleep. Or maybe I'm actually getting too much during the afternoons. *shrugs*

all of life, comes down to just one thing
and that's to know You, Oh Jesus
and make you known

I can just imagine it now, me sitting at a cubicle with stacks of paperwork. WooHoo. bleh. I don't want to do that. heh. Well, if I major in Accounting, that's what I'll end up doing.

Ambitious desires

I want to do something exciting.
I want to jump off a bridge.
I want to try reverse bungee jumping.
I want to sky dive out a small airplane.
All at once
I want to go camping.
I want to go to Yosemite and just walk around.
I want to go to the Grand Canyon and scream at the top of my lungs.
I want to stare deep into the heart of Niagra Falls.
I want to travel all the earth.
See sights I've never seen.
Taste food I've never tasted.
Experience life as though I've been hung on a thread
There's more to life than sitting in a office

Monday, April 29, 2002

What are my fears?
-bugs that fly
-dying knowing that I didn't help at least one group of people in my life
-not being able to love
-choosing man over God
-losing relationships
-wasting my life away at a job that I don't want to do
-my brother deserting me
-the parents' death
-not knowing what it's like to be loved by a man
Nothing of too much importance happened today. Actually, nothing of too much importance occurs in my so-called life. =P I think the most important event was me receiving Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. *big grin* I wonder what mental state I would be in if I weren't a Christian. hmmm...

Well, anyway, I'm trying to spark the more "intelligent" or more "contemplative" side of Grace. And I have to say that...It's not working.
haha. I don't know. Being childish is fun. Being a child is fun. I wouldn't mind being a kid again.

Dude, I love music. I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'd do without it. I find that music...especially Jesus music...it allows my soul and my mind to focus on God. So, often times, when I listen to secular music, I get side-tracked easily. Same thing with television. It clutters my brain with nonsense of this world. Kinda like what Matt Chandler was talking about a few weeks about. There are things that draw us near to God and then there are things that shun us away from God. Strain for those things that brings you closer to God. Sometimes, I want to throw away everything that doesn't glorify God so that I'd quit sinning. Not to say that that would work for you. It would and does for me.

Friday, April 26, 2002

"Even though you may not believe it, doesn't mean it's not true."
Seth City of Angels

Thursday, April 25, 2002

I enjoy having cable very much. I'm so used to dial-up connection. I'd have to close all my programs in order to disconnect or that blue screen that we love oh so much appears. So, I'm so used to closing AIM, but now, I can stay online as long as my computer is on. =P
Going to school, for me, is like going to a play or the movie theaters. You get your dose of comedy, drama, or action all in one neatly wrapped package.

Our school is very diverse in culture, affluence, and, of course, academics. It's like a society in a building. It's like a whole race of humans shrunk down to 3000 students. One minute I'm drowned in the talk of Mormonism, then another about the sale at Wet Seal, then another about politics, then another about drugs, then another about life. It's literally insane.

Today, we took the TAKS test. No, it's not the TAAS test. There's only two differences: TAKS is new and TAKS is one letter different than TAAS. The lower classmen of Clements High School were to take this test in order to determine the good questions and the bad questions. It doesn't count as a grade. It doesn't determine our IQ. It merely shows which questions are hard and which ones are easy. Basically, we were used as guinea pigs to test the new antibiotic.

It was hilarious. During the entire day, the juniors would tell each other to join in the "Bubble C" campaign, where you bubble in C throughout the entire test. And we'd psych each other up saying, "Dude, let's do it!" So, right after 5th period we head over to our designated cage and order alphabetically by our last names in five columns. We poked fun of taking the test, we made jokes about how we were already done, we made jokes on how the test was worthless. But when the actual testing period occured, only one or two actually did what they said. Hey, if you're going to rebel, do it right.

Wednesday, April 24, 2002

My mother is so beautiful. I was looking through some of our photo albums. There's one that is just full of black and white photos during my parent's childhood. I came upon this lovely young lady with petite body, flowing, wavy black hair, and the most doll-like eyes ever. Her skin seemed of soft cream and her face, so delicate. =) That's my mommy. Dang, I love her so much. I wouldn't trade her for anyone. My brother joked around and said if that little girl in the photograph was at his school, he'd definitely go after her.

Then I came upon a picture of my daddy. People say I look like him sooo much. I wonder if that's a compliment. My bro looked over my shoulder and asked, "Is that Eric?". hehe (If you don't know, Eric is my cousin). My brother mistaken my father for my cousin. I think that's kind of funny.
Shane Barnard

How did you get that shade of green?
Awesome, Splendor, Majesty!
Where’d you find the notes to play?
Glory and Honor to Your Name!

My Life, but a grain of sand
Your life, so worthy of...!

How amazing is a 737
Taking off! Laying down all of me.
That I might rejoice in all of You
Holy View, all that is beautiful
All creation bow to the majesty of God!
Every knee shall bow and I will bow and we will bow!

It is one of the most awesome songs by Shane Barnard. Majority of his work is all worthy of recognition. But, artistically, this one beats the rest of them, well, in my opinion it does.

I'm getting music-crazed =P

Monday, April 22, 2002

I wanna scream at the top of my lungs.

"For you've created my inmost being: you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; you're works are wonderful, I know that full well."

What a wonderful feeling to know that the way you are is the most perfect way that you could possibly be, well physically. God made me exactly the way that he had intended on. Dude, that's more than enough. God's work goes beyond man's perception. I've had an identity crisis over the last couple of weeks. I got so wrapped up in trying to understand myself as a being. I guess we all are trying to find who we are. But what makes me, me, is Jesus Christ. Death to myself and take up this cross. *sigh* I know it...maybe i can live it, someday.
Here we go again
Shane Barnard

Here we go again I forgot about you today
Pass the salt to me, don't pour it out
Well I might as well be cold I figured out
Its all a waste of time

Why you dig a well if your gonna find it dry my friend?
Sharpen up that axe, don't chop it down
Well I might as well have laid a wet stone down
It's all a waste of time

How can I know this and still walk away
My life, it's all a waste of time
My life, it's all a waste of time

Why you sippin java if you know you need your rest tonight?
Add some sugar, please, some sweet and low
And make it all decaffinated so I won't stay up
Its all a waste of time

Why prepare for battle if your never gonna find it dry my friend
Battle lines are drawn, negotiating with the spirit
Can I make a deal on my own terms
Its all a waste of time

How can I know this and still walk away
It's all a waste of time
My life, it's all a waste of time

To be in my, In my comfort zone
Your life is the Truth, So worthy of my time

Here we go again I forgot about you today

God, I know you're truth, but why do I still fall into the desires of my flesh? Lord, I cling on to your Truth. Lord, let this be the cry of my soul, may I love you with the depths of my heart. For your righteousness in me will shine like the dawn if I commit to your ways, Lord.

Sunday, April 21, 2002

We're reading The Glass Menagerie in English class.

My teacher says to the class, "I look around here and there aren't many in here". Everyone looks about to see what she was talking about. Then she asks the class, "You guys, most likely, know this kind of person. Look around at your peers. Do you know anyone who doesn't talk much, who are a bit shy." Daniel Noll turns to me and exclaimed, "Hi Grace!", letting the entire class hear. Everyone started to laugh, and there, I blushed. It's true.

Then the students gave their input on why people are shy. Some were pretty accurate and others were pretty insulting. One comment by Daniel was that "Shy people aren't really shy. The reason they don't talk much is due to the fact that they've seen how extroverted people are and how they are treated, and would rather not be so upfront about so much stuff." Well, that applies to me. Another comment by Dom was that "Some people don't talk much because they don't have much self-confidence in themselves to present themselves to other people too soon." Bull's eye. Not surprisingly, Lindsay also included that "extroverted people tend to drown out those people and in the end, they don't get the chance to share what's on their mind." Another good point. THEN there's the Ashley Christian. You've had one of her probably in your classes during high school; the loudmouth that won't shut up... Yeah she says shy people don't talk as much because "they're simply not interesting or they have nothing good to talk about." If I could smack people, I would, but I can't. =P Anyway, I just thought that was interesting.

English class is one of my favorite classes. During Study Hall, I'd read the short stories and the poems inside my textbook. I'd be so attentive in class. Ironically, though, it's the class that I do the worse in. I've never gotten a high A in English class. I've always had trouble with Reading Comprehension. And I never really study for the tests or do the assignments. Isn't that weird?

Sunday, April 14, 2002

So, this is what peace feels like.

Friday, April 05, 2002

"A banner flashed before my eyes, during one of my concerts that said, 'Elvis, You are the King!'. I replied in response to the girls who sat in the center of that row, 'No, Jesus Christ is the King.'"

Elvis Presley